The big 6 0 . Diggs is back and Jamie showed up! Join in the crew as we discuss the beauty of hotmelts and female shops, all while learning the evilness of CA. Ok, it's a banter show - but it's been a while.
I'm so sorry about getting the orders out for the shirts and hats the last couple months. My printer guy has been on vacation, but now is back. So the good news is that we will have shirts this week!!
Diggs and Burke talk to Carlos from Thinking this is just another RC calculator is like saying the combustion engine is just another horse. Learn how and why a powerful tool can aid the plane guys as well as the heli guys.
Mark and Trish from joins us to discuss the 'Phlatprinter' which is a home-made CNC cutting machine. Learn with us as we talk all about cutting foam and other material for making beautiful designs!
Congrats to Rubin and Roger for winning the Giveaway!